fredag 29. januar 2010

mandag 18. januar 2010

All my thoughts

I'm not sure
If I dare to think of you
I don't know you
Still you have all my thoughts
At the moment

What do you think
It's all wondering and dreams
I'm afraid to give too much
Hope too much
But I'm longing

Is it true
That behind all this beauty is a lie
They try to convince me
Is it true
That behind all this beauty is a lie

Is it true
That behind all this beauty is a lie
They try to convince me
Is it true
That behind all this beauty is a lie

I'm not sure
If I dare to think of you
I don't know you
I don't know you

(Maria Solheim)

lørdag 16. januar 2010

torsdag 14. januar 2010

Jeg er virkelig verdens dårligste blogger. Nå har jeg ikke orket å oppdatere noe som helst på over en måned. Strengt tatt har jeg vel egentlig ikke hatt tid heller (dårlig unnskyldning, men likevel...)

Nå skal jeg skjerpe meg :)